CourageĀ Core Blog

Productivity tips when building your business from home

business productivity Oct 04, 2024

Working for yourself, working from home has so many positives. There's no commute time, you can work the hours you want, run errands and do household chores during the weekdays, go to the gym or walk the dog in the middle of the day..the worlds your oyster

But with this freedom and flexibility comes some challenges. You have to be self-motivated, organised and ensure you're productive when all the temptations of working at home are there. 

So here are some tips; 


Create a working space

ideally you are able to work in a seperate room from where you sleep but if not...find a corner, create space that is only for work. set it up with minimum distractions and customize it so it feels good to go to every day. 

bonus: add some plants as research shows this can increase productivity by nearly 50%


have a plan

nothing diminishes productivity than not having a clear focus. It’s so important to have a plan. A 90 day plan is recommended so you have a clear roadmap of what you’re working towards and then you’re able to break that down into daily tasks, needle moving activies, client delivery and so on. 


mix it up, or don’t

if you’re familiar with your human design you may already know whats best for you...but not everyone loves routine. Me - I can’t work in the same room every single day. I mix it up A LOT. Some days I work in the kitchen, some days I work in my bedroom, others in the living room ...and then when I feel really wild..I go work in a cafe or membership space. I work from home on the days I have calls and then when I dont I try and mix it up. Figure out if you thrive with environment consistency or you need to shift it 


leave the house

i can’t tell you how many clients I’ve worked with who’ve messaged me saying their struggling with energy and motivation that day...and I ask “have you left the house today?”...the answer is often no. So before I tackle any mindset or strategies they go outside, walk around the park and usually they feel a LOT better. It’s simple but people forget.


Build a community of like-minded WFH-ers

if you’re building your business from home it can get lonely at times and so gifting yourself opportunities in the week to co-work (virtually or in person) and go to business owner events that allow you to connect with like-minded humans is a game changer. It will keep you motivated, inspired and productive.


If you know you would thrive with a solid plan and a community to lean on...check out these upcoming events happening at Courage Core. 




  2. SOCIAL SALES [5 DAY EVENT]  £250 ticket
  3. LUNCH & LEARN [LONDON]  £90 ticket

PLUS: I have space for 2 more private clients before the end of the year...whether thats for my 1 month intensive or 3 month packages, you can check them out here and grab a space OR you can shotgun starting with me privately in January